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Find Articles about Writing and Writers

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Written Language and Literacy (through EBSCO)

Writer's Digest (through Gale)

Writer (through EBSCO, only available in full text through 2012)

Kairos (free online, one of the first online journals)

Community Literacy Journal (free online--be aware that its homepage appears to be "Open Journal System")

Computers and Composition Online

Harlot: A Revealing Look at the Arts of Persuasion

JAC Online

Journal of Writing Research

Currents in Electronic Literacy

Present Tense: A Journal of Rhetoric in Society

KEYWORDS: authorship, writing, written communication, rhetoric, argument


CompPile is an intensively composition- and rhetoric-based database. Many of the articles will be about teaching or highly technical. There is very little full-text attached, so be prepared to allow time to make Interlibrary Loan requests for these articles.