Welcome to the Albert Nelson Student Success Center!
The Student Success Center is located in Memorial Library.
Questions? Need help?
Success Coaches in the SSC:
Jen Moran: jennifer.moran@kwu.edu (785) 833-4396
Juan Maldonado: juan.maldonado@kwu.edu (785) 833-4603
Success Coaches Located Elsewhere On Campus:
J.D. Koons: Student Development Office, joseph.koons@kwu.edu (785) 833-4398
Michaela Carlson: Department of Chemistry/STEM, michaela.carlson@kwu.edu (785) 833-4511
Bonnie Welty: Department of Teacher Ed, bonnie.welty@kwu.edu (785) 833-4501
Jerri Zweygardt: Department of Nursing, jerri.zweygardt@kwu.edu (785) 833-4455
You can also email tutor@kwu.edu for assistance!
Fall 2024 Library Hours
Monday - Thursday 7:45A - 9:00P
Friday 7:45A - 5:00P
Saturday CLOSED
Sunday 5:00P - 9:00P
Thanksgiving Break Library Hours
Monday, 11/25 7:45A - 9:00P
Tuesday, 11/26 7:45A - 5:00P
Wednesday - Friday, 11/27 through 11/29 CLOSED
Sunday, 12/1 CLOSED
Christmas Break Library Hours
Friday, December 13 - Friday, December 20, 2024
Monday - Friday 7:45A - 5:00P
Sun, 12/22 - Wed, 12/1/25 CLOSED
Thursday, 1/2 - Monday, 1/13 7:45A - 5:00P
Saturdays and Sundays CLOSED
Regular Hours Resume Tue, 1/14
9/2 Labor Day
11/27 - 11/29 Thanksgiving Break
12/23 - 1/2/2025 Christmas Break
Virtual assistance:
Monitored during regular library hours, M - F 8am - 5pm
Phone: 785-833-4393
Email: library@kwu.edu