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Career Exploration

Professional Organizations

Finding out about professional organizations in your career field can be enlightening! You'll probably belong to one of these in the future. Professional organizations set standards, publish journals, list job openings, describe issues and debates, provide training, and more. Some of them have student organizations, too. BELOW are just a few organizations as examples. Talk to your advisor about specific organizations for your field of study.

NEA National Education Association
NCTE National Council for Teachers of English
NCTM National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
NSTA National Science Teachers Association

Criminal Justice:
American Society of Criminology
American Correctional Association

Music: National Association for Music Educators

Chemistry: American Chemistry Society

Exercise Science: American College of Sports Medicine

Online Sources

Wall Street Journal's Career Section

U.S. News and World Report's Best Jobs Rankings

Bankrate's Cost of Living Calculator

Riley Guide


CAUTION! Be careful about using the websites below. They are more focused on social media and ads than accurate information. Double-check any information for accuracy:
